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From the Director’s desk…

Joining ANiFRAMES College of Arts, Animation & Multimedia represents a great opportunity. At ANiFRAMES College of Arts, Animation & Multimedia you learn film making by making films and designs by designing. From day one we throw you in at the deep end and help you develop in your chosen field through a carefully constructed programme of production experience and education in industry practice, vocabulary and conventions. Students work hard but they also have a great time. An important feature of school life is the friendly atmosphere, the chance to meet new friends and have new experiences.

We are an academic community of art, design and media professionals focused on developing the creative practice of our students through the studio, workshop, and classroom-based experimentation. All our courses offer distinctive integration of practice and theory, using industry standard facilities. You will be encouraged to be both creative and critically engaged. Our courses are taught by research-active staff commanding years of production and teaching experience. Students, academic and technical staff, visiting artists and industry representatives all work closely together in a supportive and friendly environment.

Whichever program you choose, whether it’s long or short, general or specialist, a first degree is a treat to yourself and we look forward to welcoming you to the school and helping you navigate your path through the wonderful and complex world of multimedia and film.

A Clement Wesley Thangadurai


The Founder of Aniframes College of Arts, Animation & Multimedia, Clement Wesley is a passionate teaching professional who provides quality mentoring to the young aspirants. He has more than two decades of rich experience in the field of animation and multimedia training. He believes in holistic development of the students and emphasizes on innovation in teaching methodologies. Clement always focuses to provide a perfect learning environment for the students where they enjoy learning and are inspired to create or design something new. He has made significant contribution in the growth and success of the institution.

Raghuveernaik Badami


A technocrat and a fine arts graduate carries over 2 decades of experience in the field of Animation. Raghuveer was associated with various animation production studios from late 90’s. With his wast experience in Animation production and training industry, he is associated with Aniframes since 2013. Raghuveer has worked for many kannada movies  and short films. He has successfully achieved Six Sigma – black belt (QC). He has passion towards exploring and mentoring 3D animation & VFX applications. He plays a key role in career guidance for young animation aspirants.

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